Friday, July 30, 2010

Writing with a Digital Twist Feedback

It was a real pleasure working with all of you over the past two weeks in Writing with a Digital Twist. I hope you enjoyed the class as much as I have enjoyed teaching you. Please leave a comment letting me know what you enjoyed about the workshop and what you would like to do with the workshop next year.

Thanks and see you soon,
Mr. Piper

The Day Aliens Came To Teach School

It is the first day of school. As you enter your classroom, you realize something is very strange. Instead of having your new teacher standing there, you instead discover a green alien standing in front of the room ready to teach the day's lessons.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Fun with Bitstrips

Check out these links to view some of the students bitstrip comics!

"The Stools" by Nick

"My Birthday" by Marla

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Construction Haiku by DJ B

Demolishing the building
With big useful veichles
And very loud noise

Construction Haiky by Ava

Demolishing work
Is doing dangerous work
And is very hard

Nature Haiku by Brandon K.

Busy bees buzz all
Around the school in summer
Bees sting hideous

Nature Haiku by DJ B.

The tower is shown
With green trees surrounding it
Reaching in the air

Nature Haiku by Nick M.

Nature is awesome
Nature is very peaceful
It makes me happy.

Construction Haiku by Marla H.

Trucks roam very slow
Dirt covers the area
Yellow caution tape

Nature Haiku Poem by Marla H.

Flowers are awesome
They come in many colors
They flow in the breeze

Nature Haiku by Alex L.

Bee on sunflower
Collecting pollen today
Make flower pretty

Construction Haiku by Brandon K.

Man in mini crane
Is doing dangerous work
Pushing lots of dirt

Monday, July 19, 2010

Ava's Vacation Spots

New York

I would like to go to New York City because it is very popular and because it has FAO Schwartz is there and because I would love to see the Statue of Liberty. That would be fantastic!!! And plus my friend moved to NY and I would love to visit. I would love to visit NY!!!


I loved going to FL because I was so fun. I have been to Naples, Key West, and plain FL. They were all super fun. I love just hanging out there once when I was in a cottage and stayed in the cottage for my stay and had to take a boat to the main part of FL it took like 5 or 10 min. Not to long. Plus I skydived in a huge tube it was soooo fun but was freezing. Brrr!!! I loved FL.

Beaver Creek, CO

When I go to Beaver Creek, Co I ski, shop, and enjoy my time. I go to Beaver Creek every year. I ski and sometimes go on very hard black dimands. I have skied for very long. FIVE years!!! And plus Beaver Creek is so pretty!!! Last thing I usally stay at the Ritz Caroltin hotel. It takes me two or three hours on the airplane and a two hour drive to Beaver Creek, CO.
I love BCC. (Beaver Creek Colorado)


I love Hawaii. When I stay at Hawaii I usually stay at Maui. When I went to Hawaii I went to the beach a couple of times were there are HUGE waves. WE swam a ton. We stay at the Ritz Hotel just like BCC. The flight takes like 7 hours to get there from my hometown. And really no drive. I love Hawaii.


I love Chicago. I like to go to Chicago because you can go to shopping stores and plus my favorite store is….. guess???? AMEICAN GIRL!!! I get all of my AMERICAN GIRL dolls there. The only down side about Chicago is you have to walk everywhere except if you are to lazy to take a cab!!! HA HA HA!!! I recommend Chicago to anyone!!! I love Chicago.

St. Louis

I love St. Lois because there is so much to do. There is the discovery center, Science center, Gateway Arch, and so much more to do when I went to St. Lois is was flaming hot!!! It was like 99-98 degrees!!! I loved St. Lois.

Alex's Vacation Destinations

I would like to go to Nevada. I would like to go there because I would see my grandpa and his home. I would also get to play video games.

The second place I would go is the Mariana trench because I would like to be the second submarine to survive the Mariana trench. Also I would see many fish I never knew about. Then I could make history.

Nick's Vacation Destinations

If I could go any place in the world it would be Canada. I would go to Canada because I speak French, I want to ski and fish there, and it is very close to here! The 2nd place that I would want to go is Florence, Italy because my mom went there and said it was AMAZING and BIG!

Marla's Top Vacaction Destinations

1. I would go to Mt. Everest because I have always wanted to see it. I would TRY to climb it, I would explore the village around it, and I would take pictures of it and the village. Though it may be freezing it sounds pretty cool. I would also tell everyone that I was there.
2. I would go to the Dead Sea because there is no fish in it. I would swim in the dead sea, take pictures, and explore the land around it.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Welcome to Writing with a Digital Twist

Welcome everyone to writing with a digital twist. During this two week workshop, you will have the opportunity to explore many different types of writing combined with technology. Each day, you will have a writing prompt to help you think creatively. You will draft your reponse to the prompt in a word processor and then publish it as a comment on the blog post. That way we can read not only your response, but you can also share your wriing with the other kids in the class as well as your family and friends. Sounds like fun?

Here's the prompt for day 1:

Let's pretend that you can go on a vacation anywhere in the world. Where would you go? What would you do there? What do you think would be fun to do in the place you choose to visit?