Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 1: Writing Prompt

What would happen if animals could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask animals?

Post your response as a comment to this blog post. Write response as "anonymous" and then sign your initials at the end of the post. Have fun!


  1. If animals could talk they would get mad when we cut down the forests and our pets would always remind us to change the litter or refill the water bowl. I would always talk to my friend’s cats and dogs. If animals could talk it would be a lot easier to pick “The Perfect Pet” at the pet store and monkeys would be begging for just one more banana. If animals could talk I would use my pet as an alarm clock. I would ask dolphins and sea otters if they ever got tired of swimming!


  2. If animals could talk, that would be out of this world.

    If animals could talk, it would be noisy when you go to the zoo.

    If animals could talk, I don’t think their would be very many zookeepers.

    Wow, if animals could talk I wonder what my dog would say to me every morning.

    Maybe he’d say, hey Riley, give me some food, or play with me.

    I don’t know what I’d do if animals could talk, maybe its better they don’t.


  3. If my cats started talking I would faint…or ask, “Why did you not need to be trained to go to the bathroom?” My lazy cat would say “don’t know” my other cat…well…I don’t really know what she would say! If My dogs started talking I don’t know what to ask. I know them well.


  4. If animals could talk the world would seem very annoying but easy. Maybe at a petting zoo a bunny would say to everyone he hates to be manhandled. My large black Bouvier, Charlie would be a ton more easier to communicate with. He’ll tell me if he wants to play or rest. He would have had fewer accidents. But if only they could talk. But there could be lots of trash talk from Charlie. Life would not be the same. I would ask Charlie to tell me if he wants to play or not.

    by J.R.

  5. If Animals Could Talk
    If I woke up in bed one morning and I went downstairs and I watched my tortoise walk around in its cage and all of a sudden it started talking, wouldn’t that be weird? I mean yeah, a tortoise talking, seriously, weird huh? Like that would never happen, but what if? What if it told me, “Hey, Madeline … FEED ME …NOW!” That would be, like, totally weird. It would also be cool ‘cause I could have, like, a conversation with it. Cool!

  6. If animals could talk I don’t know what I would do! Cows would say “don’t you ever get tired of milk, what about lemonade?” Dogs would say, “Can I go out? Can I go in? I NEED a walk!” It would not be good because animals have so many needs. My head would start spinning with all that talking. I would never have time to sleep! If my fish started talking that would be the weirdest. Since fish have the worst memory EVER it would always be asking for food, or to clean his tank. If you had ten pets at home it would be so chaotic! So, if I had a pet that talked I would try to find one that doesn’t. Otherwise I would always be exhausted!


  7. On a hot summer day, my mom woke me up by saying, “ Wake up, you have camp today! And your pancakes are ready!” which is weird because she never makes pancakes on school days or camp days, so I knew it wasn’t my mom. I opened my eyes and my puppy, Yogi, was saying,” I’d love me some pancakes!” then I look out the window, and a bird sung, “I’m hungry for big, fat, juicy, worms!” I slammed my face against the window, and realized it was all just a dream!

    G M

  8. If animals could talk, I would always talk to my dog, cat, and, tortoise. When my dog is mad, witch often happens, I would understand all the barking! When my cat meooowed, I would understand that. Finally when the tortoise growls that would probably sound really weird! If you were in the jungle, all the animals would probably be saying really weird things. They might even be really mad! GA

  9. If animals could talk…

    Monkeys would beg for banana. Cows would go on strike and not make milk. Roosters would crow and then talk on and on and on. Dolphins would talk to the fish and scare them. Lions would talk and talk about how he is the king of the jungle. The world would just be SO much different and that’s why animals do NOT talk. Or do they? Do they?
    N A R

  10. If rabbits could talk, they would ask for cabbage, and carrots.
    They would probably want to
    watch the movie G-FORCE.
    And might want to try out for
    the bar jump in the Olympics.
    If I saw a rabbit talk I would
    call the newspaper people

    by YM

  11. If animals could talk that would be crazy but cool at the same time. I would open a restaurant and have animals serve people. That would be awesome. I wonder if dogs could babysit? And it would be nice to know when my dog was sick or not feeling well , so we could bring him to the doctor right away. It also would be nice to know what they need. But I think we all know that couldn’t happen or could it???

    G. O-B.

  12. If animals could talk I would go to the zoo and would ask a tiger why they aren’t vegetarians like me? I would also ask why the tigers of the world had stripes. Also I would ask why they don’t come to our side of the world except when they are in zoos. And finally I would ask how in the world did you start talking?


  13. I agree with KH. It would be very chaotic if animals talked. My fish would always be saying, "Yo, Pipes! I need my tank cleaned NOW!!!!"

    -Mr. Piper

  14. G.M. SO funny!

  15. I agree with R.S. It proabably is better that animals don't talk!

  16. Wow! N.A.R

    I like how you used the monkey and banana thing, that was funny!


  17. N A R,they talk to other animals but we don't understand them


  18. i agree with s.n. it would be easier to find the perfect pet.I wonder how loud it would be at a pet store?

  19. gm,I do igree with you that as fun as at it would be, animals talking would be very anoying.

  20. Yeah I agree with Mr. Pipers commet....


  21. M D M, that was really funny, great job!

    G M

  22. I wonder if all animals would have diffeent voices for different species?

  23. i likr when r.s. said how louud it would be at the zoo and there would be no zookeepers!! that was really funny.

  24. N A R,
    The world would be very different! I'm happy that animals don't talk! Although it would be fun it would also be VERY chaotic!

  25. It would be weird if they could talk



  27. I agree with MDM... I think it would be nice to talk to my pet too.


  28. GM, I think the birds would be talking too as well. Now it seems as if Yogi, your dog would maybe say 'get your pancakes before I do.' I guess it would be like a brother or sister.

    by JR

  29. Y.M I think the rabits would get the gold medal in the bar jump.


  30. I agree with k.h.


  31. I agree with myself, the zoo would be noisy!


  32. M D M, you're right! I've met your tortoise and
    it seems like she would say something like that!

    G M

  33. i agree with mdm it would be nice to talk to your pet it would be like having your best friend around all the time!!!!

  34. KH, I agree!! The cows would want us to drink lemonade.

  35. Who are all these people? N A R Sounds cool!!!!!

    by Woza

  36. Turtle

    I woke up and there was a huge turtle at the edge of my bed.
    I was scared. The turtle started to talk to me now I was really scared I took him to the zoo and the zoo keepers told me he was an alien. What was he a turtle or an alien? Now I was really scared. What Will happen next… I went home and I heard “honey wake up.” I woke up. no turtle nor alien it was all a dream!!
