Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 8: Writing Prompt

Respond to the following prompt. Remember to compose your entry in Microsoft Word first to check for spelling and conventions and then post your comment.

"What would you eat if you were stranded alone on a deserted island? How would you catch your food?"


  1. I would hunt animals, get rain water and filter and boil the water and eat wild fruits. I could eat fish too.

  2. If I got stuck on a tropical Island,
    The first thing I’d do is yell help, or if my cell phone didn’t fall in the ocean maybe I’d use that.
    I would pick bananas from the banana trees for food.
    I would also get coconuts from the coconut trees, for water.

    I could never eat the Lizards for protein, or something, I just couldn’t.

    I guess I could dig up worms and eat them, gross.

    I would try to make a raft out of tree trunks and other wood products.

    Then I would use wood for a paddle.


  3. I would also eat fish, and other fruits


  4. I would be alone, tired, frightened! The first thing I would do is probably write S.O.S. or HELP in the sand. Then I would probably try to catch fish with a stick fishing pole and climb up the palm trees to get the coconuts, and MAYBE if I was very, very desperate I would eat sand. I would never hunt any of the wild animals because I love animals a TON! I would drink the salt water even though it would taste awful! I would also throw a coconut at a tree to get bananas. I might even try to build a raft out of big sticks and whatever else I could find around the island!

    I would encounter many wild animals in my time on the island. Among them would be toucans, fish, and monkeys! It would be kind of hard to get the monkeys away from the bananas, but I would try! I could also find worms and lure the fish with the worms. Then I would make a fire and cook the salmon.


  5. If I were stranded on an island I would try to catch all sorts of food! I would make a home and supplies until I could think of an idea to get off of this island. I could make a raft or try to swim it. I am going to make a raft! I found a bunch of logs from dead trees and tied it with seaweed.

    When I got out to the water I would paddle with flatter logs that looked like paddles. While I was thinking of ideas to get home I had been making a lot of food so I packed all that in the boat! I finally got home yeahhhhhhhhh!

  6. I would hunt animals, get rain water and filter and boil the water and eat wild fruits. I could find tigers, monkeys, bugs, fish, and lions. I could find coconuts, raspberries, and bananas. I could make a hut out of sticks and leaves and some animal skins. I could make a fire of wood, big sticks, and small sticks.

  7. If I was stranded on a dessert island I would eat fish, I would eat coconut, and I would eat fruit, but hopefully that would never happen.

  8. First I would make a fire then. I would go find more wood then. I would find a rock and throw it at the animal then. Burn the wood then. Take the ashes throw it in the fire it makes smoke so some one would find me then. I would eat the chicken then. Boil the salt water then. Use the sharpened rock and cut the wood to make raft then. I would use chicken bones and make a fishing pole then. Use the feathers as bait. Also I would go to the Asia islands


  9. If I were stranded on a deserted Island, to eat I would fish, fruits on trees, then I would get a coconut and eat the inside. I’ve had in Florida and it tastes good. For A drink I would drink coconut milk, apple juice, or orange juice. Being on a deserted island would be fun!

  10. To get food I would make a bow & arrow and hunt for food. For water I would look for a river or something.

