Friday, July 30, 2010

The Day Aliens Came To Teach School

It is the first day of school. As you enter your classroom, you realize something is very strange. Instead of having your new teacher standing there, you instead discover a green alien standing in front of the room ready to teach the day's lessons.


  1. Scream, run, and tell the principal

  2. Ask what is your name and if it is a human name run if it is stay and have a normal day

  3. ask it a question, and if it says "dvebdfberrybd," touch it, then slap it and then run away to the next country over.

    by Alex

  4. My odd first day of school
    Whoa! The first day of school took a weird turn. Wait not just weird, super weird. Instead of Mr. Piper ready to teach the lesson it was an alien! My day at school was exciting and quite weird. Now I would have had a social studies lesson, but instead I got a sweet science lesson. You know aliens come from space, so my alien teacher took my class to space. Well, you might ask how we got to space. We transported there. Who knew aliens could teleport! We landed on Mars. My first thought was “I won’t be able to breathe, its space!” For some reason I could breathe. That was one of the questions I still had at the end of my “lesson”. I looked around it was SO cool. The ground was red and rocky. There is no gravity in space, so I started to float around. Wee! I was flying around Mars. First I was nervous about the first day of middle school, and then I was flying around Mars with an alien teacher. A little later we had to go back to Earth. I hoped we would have the alien teacher the whole year.

    by Marla

  5. One day I was going in the car. I was going to school for the first time. When I was opening the door I saw a huge alien then he dissapeared into Mrs.Bair! I was so happy when I saw Mrs. Bair. I was so happy when I saw Mrs. Bair as being my teacher. We played games, had treats, learned some math, reading, sience, and social studies. We had lots of fun the first day with Mrs. Bair.

  6. last comment was by Ava

  7. I liked storyjumper and wordle alot. Next year I would do all the web sites that we did this year, but with new stuff to do.

  8. I loved this class. It was so fantastic! I loved story maker and story jumper. Bitstrips was just not my type.

    By Ava
